Lyrics: Monmix - Music: Monmix - Featuring: Pat - Choeurs: Pat - Genre musical: monmiXplosion - Thème de la song: amour, fun, musique
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Les coulisses

La chanson chanson originale de 1989 parlait d'une amourette impossible (en l'occurrence une certaine Mary) sur un mode folk/rock.
Dans cette revisite, juste pour le fun, le texte a été remanié pour que l'amourette en question soit la chanson elle-même, la fameuse Mary's song (et non Mary). Bref, le mec il est amoureux fou de la song. Côté arrangement , ce sont des couplets plutot cool avec beaucoup de petits synthés dans tous les coins qui basculent sur des refrains rock en énergie pure


I can't listen to you without getting feelings
And I lose my reason and my heart is burning
I wonder whether I fall in love
I wonder how I fall head over ears in love
You're just a song , after all

How do I feel? I don't know what's happening to me,
it's time to wake up
stand up, take a listen to the song of Mary
Why she runs through my spine, through my mind,
why she is fiiling up the sky

I wanna feel, I wanna dance , the song is all over my head
And I leak in the sand, I'm in the middle of said and done
I cannot take it alone
I don't wanna freeze, just give me a dance ,
I don't know what else could stop me melting down
And I need my dream to come around
I'm in love with Mary's song

Sometimes I listen and feel like dying , Sometimes I listen and I cry
Sometimes I listen and have fun, Always I will love to have fun
I belong to her and she's mine, I belong to her and I wonder why
She has taken control of my mind

How do I feel?
I don't know what's happening to me, it's time to wake up
Stand up, take a listen to the song of Mary
Love runs through my spine, through my mind,
Love is filling up the skies

I wonder why I feel so alive when I hear the song so loud
Wonder, I wonder why
I wish she’ll never die, I wish she’ll never lie
I wish love never dies

Novembre 2021
From “monREmix-Back to Soufflot street”
Lyrics & Music by Monmix
Original 19 février 1989 from "The return"

Ton sourire (2021) Le vol du temps (time's fly 2021)