Lyrics: Monmix - Music: Monmix - Featuring: Pat - Choeurs: Pat
© All rights reserved

Les coulisses

12-B4- Mary's song
Featuring Pat Et si on s'essayait dans le country? Toujours avec ces fameuses expressions puisées dans le dictionnaire. À noter aussi que la version yaourt influençait grandement le texte final!


I don't listen to you when you tell me something
And I loose my reason when I dance with Mary
I wonder whether I fall in love
I wonder whether I fall head over ears in love
Little by little

How does it feel, I don't know what's happening to me
Stand up, get up if there is a sign of Mary
Why she is in my eyes
Ouh, ouh
Ouh, ouh

Sometimes I would like to be dead
Sometimes I would like and I cry
Sometimes I would like to have fun
Sometimes I would like her to sleep with me, with me

How does it feel, I don't know what's happening to me
Stand up, get up if there is a sign of Mary
Love, love is in my eyes
Ouh, ouh

I belong to her and she's mine
I belong to her even if she dies
Always I will like to have fun
Always I will like her to sleep with me, with me

How does it feel, I don't know what's happening to me
Stand up, get up if there is a sign of Mary
Love, love is in her eyes
Wonder, I wonder why
I wish you'll never die, I wish you'll never die

19 fevrier 1989
from "The return"

Ebauche 2 (1989) Fun jingle funk (1989)