Lyrics: Lisa - Music: Dam - Featuring: Dam - Choeurs: Pat, Vibe, Dam - Genre musical: monmiXcursion - Thème de la song: disparition
© All rights reserved

Les coulisses

Le retour du Dam pour cette chanson sur laquelle, après une introduction et un début de chanson tout en retenue, Monmix a souhaité un arrangement pop-rock malgré le thème tristement optimiste. En effet, le texte écrit par Lisa (une première) et de surcroit en anglais dépeint la tristesse et l'injustice ressentie à la disparition d'un être cher avec lequel on continue d'essayer de communiquer. Et parfois.... on entend des réponses comme dans la chanson où la voix de Vibe semble venir du ciel tantôt douce et tantôt desespérée.


You re looking at that picture
It’s as if she’s still there
As if you could hear her gentle voice
Still feel her smell
touch her skin
but there’s no one there

It’s the day you got married
It was 3rd of april
Trees were full of flowers, She was in white, Her eyes were bright
Yet happiness wouldn’t last

There's one thing you will never understand
Oh why was she taken away
May be she’s waiting for you in paradise
So you can join her someday

You’re full of fear and sadness
What if there’s nothing after life
What if there’s nothing else, Then how would you, See her again
and keep believing that you will

There's one thing you will never understand
Oh why was she taken away
May be she’s waiting for you in paradise
So you can join her someday


May be sometimes, you will meet again
Even if it’s in in an other place and time

May be in this place there is no pain
Let’s hope you’re not waiting in vain

There's one thing you will never understand
Oh why was she taken away
May be she’s waiting for you in paradise
So you can join her someday

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