La chanson d'origine upbeat et naive de janvier 1990 puisait son optimisme dans les évenements qui jalonnaient l'époque : la chute du mur de Berlin (dont on fête ce jour les 30 ans de la destruction), la liberation de Nelson Mandela, la fin du règne de Ceauscescu et à titre personnel , Monmix se préparait à accueillir sa première fille en Avril 1990. Bref tout ceci instillait un espoir d'un monde plus égalitaire et plus juste.
Qu'en est-il 30 ans après? De nouveaux murs se construisent , certains en dur comme celui de notre "ami" Trump , d'autres plus virtuels mais tout aussi puissant, si ce n'est plus, entre toutes les franges de la population.
La chanson est donc revisitée non seulement sous l'angle musical mais aussi en tentant dans sa deuxième partie d'apporter un nouveau regard certainement moins optimiste mais qui sait. Peut=etre est=ce uniquement l'age et non les évènements extérieurs qui dictent l'état d'esprit.
L'arrangement conserve sa ligne de basse caracteristique mais est beaucoup plus rock, l'instrumental du 3eme couplet a été enrichi d'un texte déclamé et le dernier couplet est maintenant un ping pong du Monmix de 2019 qui s'adresse à celui de 1990.
version 1990
A dirty wall which falls down
and they met again with their brothers
A dictator without scruples
who's been brought up for trial and slaughtered
When wind blows like that a thrill comes into my heart
It's good when all the people in a nation
look in the same direction
Do you guess the way it is (x4)
Do you feel the breath, the breath of their freedom
The good smell of liberty
Thank you little angel, who has flied upon their heads,
Oh God, what's a good way
The doors around the one who's cried his pride
to be black soon will be opened
And several millions children
with dark skin will sing on their sand
And soon every people will be asked to choose a president
It's good when all the people in a nation
give their opinion on this question
Do you guess the way it is (x4)
Do you feel the breath, the breath of their freedom
The good smell of liberty
Thank you little angel, who has flied upon their heads,
Oh God, what's a good way
1989, so many signs spreading some hope for a bright future,
I was naive, may be
But at that time, I thought that the road will be paved right for any kids to come
The ugly shameful wall was torn down ,
the black hero was finally set to freedom
the sun was bright ,
the time seemed right , the time seemed right
The time seemed right, I guess that the way it was,
forever the time of santa claus
Big round of applause
but since then
there has been two towers down,
I can’t even count the number of clowns
They are spreading around
That are rebuilding walls , letting many drown
Even the earth is dying.... almost gone
Back then I thought that the one who'd come in april
had all chances to live free
...... That’s what I thought back then,
Back then, I thought that the one who came in april
had some chance to be happy
....... Not sure but don’t know may be, amen
When winds blows like that, a thrill came into my heart
......Yep but it looks like now we face some kind of headwinds
It's still good, you know,
when a man is not worried to be the father of a baby
.......Anyway, I can’t have babies anymore, let’s go kid,
It’s you turn now to guess the way it is
...... cause me, I don’t know
Do you guess the way it is
....... Please tell me it is still like it was
Do you guess the way it is
..... Is it just because I’m getting old
Do you guess the way it is
...... and I don’t believe in Santa claus
Tell me you feel the breath, the breath of the freedom
The good smell of liberty
Tell me little angel, who flies upon my head,
Oh God, is it still the good way
Novembre 2019
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Lyrics Monmix/Music Monmix
Original released in Janvier 1990 on "Last trip to Colpin street"