Lyrics: Monmix - Music: Monmix - Featuring: Pat - Choeurs: Pat - Genre musical: monmiXcursion - Thème de la song: doute, bilan, culpabilite, reconciliation-pardon
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Les coulisses

Quand on se rend compte qu'on a blessé sans le vouloir, sans le savoir..... qu'en cherchant à protéger, on a emprisonné.... qu'en cherchant à justifier, on a creusé le fossé .. que l'on a pas dit ou mal dit ce que l'on pensait, ce que l'on ressentait.
On se replonge dans le passé qu'on avait idéalisé, dans les souvenirs pour tenter de comprendre ce qui s'est passé, pourquoi on n'a rien vu tout en sachant qu'on ne pourra rien y changer.
Alors, on accepte et on vit le présent, impuissant, avec en permanence cette brume qui peut-être se dissipera avec une réconciliation, un pardon ou simplement avec le temps
Une première partie de la chanson tout en retenue pour le constat et les questionnements
Ensuite, une envolée énergique pour plonger dans les flashs du passé
Enfin, un retour à la retenue pour le regard vers l'avenir


How long will it take for me to hell, how long will it take for you to heal
So goes the story, so goes your life, without me

If only I could reverse the course of time, could I get a chance to understand why
I didn’t see the signs you sent me, the signs, I failed to see

My brain keeps digging up through the haze
I’m lost in a maze that appeared around me
Ì sift the sands of yesterday
To understand why those days have vanished suddenly
Each and every day alone with my thoughts
I try to understand why I didn’t see that coming

I didn’t see the dark clouds in your sky
I didn’t see the sadness you didn’t have in your eyes
Cause I was blown away by you as your clever little eyes shone through
I was so proud of you

Long before you came, I just wanted to give
what you needed to bloom and venture destiny
I saw your talent, your smile spread to the wind, but I did not see
The wounds that laid beneath your shield, I swear
You were my everything, I swear
Those are still my true feelings

And since the dark day came, I am condemned to live
With the heavy burden of my own cruelty
Like lost birds try to fly against the wind, but I do not see
How the hell I’ll pay the bill, I swear
You are still my everything, I swear
Those are still my true feelings

I know I did not say how much amazed
I was to see your brain sparkling such vitality
But I was so sure by then,
That you were already ahead in advance and ready
As I stand today alone with my thoughts
I have to realize I got all this so wrongly

Now the damage is done
As it can’t be undone, I have to live with
While I still hope for the day that might not come
With a chance for pardon eventually
I am somehow happy to wish you a good life
Even without me

21 Janvier 2023
from "Memento mori”
Lyrics by Monmix/Music by Monmix

Pas cette fois (version 2022) Héroique