La chanson initialement créée en 2013 version 2013 a été réarrangée et remixée le 27 juillet 2018 dans une version plus cinématographique avec entre autres des références aux journaux télévisés américains de l'époque.
"My first rifle" en terme de folie collective, on tient une forme de pompon! Le thème est inspiré de l'histoire de la petite Caroline 2 ans tuée par son frère de 5ans avec une arme qu'il avait eue... pour son anniversaire! Ca se passe évidemment aux US, dans le Kentucky avec les questions (sans réponses) : Comment des parents peuvent penser offrir une arme réelle, certes adaptée aux enfants, à un gamin de 5ans ?? Comment une entreprise peut avoir l'idée d'en fabriquer (des roses, des bleues...) ?? Comment un gouvernement peut l'autoriser ??? Comment on réagit après un drame pareil (on abandonne les armes ou pire on fabrique des armes pour les bébés pour qu'ils puissent se défendre... quand la logique est là) ????
Le titre reprend le nom de la compagnie américaine qui fabrique ces "jouets" joliment appelés Cricketts.
Un couplet sous l'angle de la petite Caroline. Un refrain sous l'angle des parents qui réfléchissent au cadeau d'anniversaire. Un couplet sous l'angle du frère et l'indignation, incompréhension. Un refrain sous l'angle de la compagnie qui se régale d'avance de leur idée. Un dernier couplet sur "et qu'est-ce qu'ils font maintenant". Ca oscille entre le rock, le pop avec un taquinage de rap pour l'indignation et en arrière plan des refrains une chorale volontairement un peu naive et décalée appelant l'aide de Santa Claus (le Père Noël)
Et une vidéo qui reprend des images et commentaires des journeaux infos de l'époque... Triste, triste et incompréhensible
911 what is the nature of your emergency ?
Journalist : a 5year old boy shoots and kills his 2years old sister
with a gun he got as a gift and the kids’ mom was at home at the time
Journalist : The coroner in Cumberland county Kentucky
describes the death as quote « just one of those crazy accidents »
Journalist : the boy was playing with a 22 caliber rifle
when it went off killing his sister .......... a rifle , he received as a gift
Gun, kid, shot, chest, killed , death, little Caroline,
No waking kisses today , accidents happen , they say
Shit happens, shit is meant to happen when you give kids real guns
Too late, to cry, tears, fear, pray God they say
God has nothing to do with this stupid fucking deathday
Santa, Santa, if you exist, Santa, send us clear messages
Santa, all those crazy wishes, Santa, have we become witches
Santa, if you want us to believe in you, in joy, in happy kids , so please, do something, please ,
Do something do something do something against all those weapons around
(The parents) It’s his birthday, what could we give the boy today , Do you have an idea ?
Happy birthday , you know, he is turning five today, I think I have an idea
Look at the world we live in, a teddy bear will not give him the win
What do we want for our son, a pass to success in the field
And in the Santa Claus bag, I’ve seen they make it for kids, something
For him, I want the best, something that will make him the best, something
That will help him to grow, that will make him proud to show
He will always be safe, he could defend himself,
We live in such an unsafe world with all those weapons around
Give a chance to fire, give the kid a rifle, his first rifle !
Journalist : the boy was playing with a 22 caliber rifle
when it went off killing his sister
Journalist : according to local officials and the associated press,
the shooting will be ruled accidental
Journalist : Gun made by Keystone sporting arms marketed
as « my first rifle » with vibrant colors and designs
Gun, kid, shoot, chest, kill , death, sister , no name boy,
With his own first rifle today , the death was real in the play
What in the hell did they have in mind, just madness , anything of this kind
Just brainless , only reason I can find to explain giving a real blue fucking gun but it’s
Too late, way too late, no way back , there’s no backward button
In a blink of an eye , in a second, in just a second
One little life gone, how many lives down, how many lives torn ? Don’t we all drown ?
Santa, Santa, if you exist, Santa, send us clear messages
Santa, all those crazy wishes, Santa, have we become witches
Santa, if you want us to believe in you, in joy, in happy kids , so please, do something, please ,
Do something do something do something against all those weapons around
(The Company)We’re on our way to becoming winners , found a way to make easy dollars
Get a win from their weak failures, their greed, their pride I ‘m sure
That some parents wouldn’t mind, they think that big balls are a kind
Of education, a path of life, I’m telling you it’s true, we have
To pick up the momentum, Let’s think of it for a moment, guess
How we will get the cash, not with teddy losers bears so here is the fun part,
In videogames they kill, so now it’s time to go for real
I know there’s a huge business, I know, I don’t even have to test I know
Daddies will die to get one, may be some will die with one
But that’s a low price to pay, compared to the fortune they’ll pay
We live in such a lucky world with all those weapons around
Give a chance to fire, give the kid a rifle, his first rifle !
Journalist : authorities said the boy was used to shooting the gun
Journalist : the family didn’t realise a bullet had been left in the chamber
Journalist : for more of this and others ,
follow us on tweeter a news breaker ,
we’ll tweet it when we get it
So may be some of them think , that they lost Caroline to some unlucky fate
Ask Santa Claus to propose bullet proof layette or baby guns with baby bullets
So in the end they all could forget it all,
When is the next sacrifice, dice are rolling, dice are rolling
Tragedy catastrophe, plain to see in the proud land of « yes we can » and « yes we will »
World has gone wild
So wait a minute and think , did we lose common sense just to make a fortune
Get juicy excitements , is it worthy ,
It’s not a cartoon Caroline gone and her brother lost his soul. Will it be in vain…