Lyrics: Monmix - Music: Grigou - Featuring: Pat - Choeurs: Pat - Genre musical: monmiXplosion - Thème de la song: revolte
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Les coulisses

Un rock de 3mn02s pour les jours où on a envie de tout faire péter, tout remettre à plat et repartir de zéro. Des guitares et des basses. That's it !


And here are the fat guys, sure, they’re no friend of mine
They spread their fat lies, are you just deaf or blind
Don’t you find it weird, so weird
That in the end, they place their own kids
They win all the bids, they keep all the seeds
The only thing that counts is to stay up and high

If I got any dynamite, if I got any dynamite,
If I got any dynamite and some kind of guts,
BOOM and start from scratch

Hey guys, watch out,
I have the bad feeling that something is very wrong
We can’t yet see the wound,
It might be deep in the womb
But time has come for something to come down,
Watch out

They watch every step you make,
They even tell you which step to take
Are you sure you are not a fake,
You’re just a thing they make
Don’t you find it weird, so weird
They play with your fears, how can you be so naïve
They spray the disease, just to sell remedies
The only thing that counts is to stay up and high

If I got any dynamite, if I got any dynamite,
If I got any dynamite and some kind of guts,
BOOM and start from scratch

Where is she ?
The goddess of justice tears us apart
Eversince the original sin,
We give a chance to next of kin stop
To turn things around, we just walk on a moebius ring
There’s only one side, dark and white,
The same for all of us, shit,

But what would you do, if you were in their shoes
Would you step back and give up what is long overdue
Don’t you find it weird, so weird
For one minute, think, look around you and think
Don’t you see all sad sweat lying in all your things
But you are no different, you know, you like it up and high

If I got any dynamite, If I got any dynamite,
If I got any dynamite and some kind of guts,
BOOM, I’ll start from scratch

Je m'en fous Foutaises